Small-scale regenerative food systems that serve your family and community.

Grow Resilience are a family based team on the Border & North East Victoria with a mission to get more people growing their own food.

Our vision is to be the leading provider of food growing services and education.

Empowering individuals and communities to grow their own food through sustainable gardening practices.

Grow Food,
Grow Resiliency

We want you to have the freedom of security over one of the most important aspects of life.

Our food is what nourishes our body, it creates the energy from which we thrive. To have control over it is a special feeling that will bring you peace of mind and comfort.

We want you to experience all of the benefits of growing your own food

The Growing Specialists

We (Ant and James) are a family based team on the Border & North East Victoria with a mission to get more people growing their own food.

The art of growing our own nutrient dense, chemical free food for our families and communities has largely been lost over the last few generations.

It is our mission to restore this lost knowledge and wisdom of our grandparents and the generations that came before by getting you, your family and community growing food again.